Reading & Auditions

Swan Auditions

Readings and auditions take place at the Swan Theatre. Readings are open to all, members and non-members alike, and provide an excellent opportunity for members to introduce their friends to The Swan and all that we do.

Following a play reading, audition pieces are given out. If you wish to audition, you must first become a member of The Swan Theatre to demonstrate your commitment to the theatre. Please click here to join: . There are usually 2 audition dates, however if you are unable to make either date you may be able to arrange an alternative with the Director. Auditions are relaxed and fun and rarely involve the learning of an audition piece, although familiarity with it and some characterisation are expected. You will be informed as soon as possible if you have been successful in securing a part, usually once the whole play is cast.

It is not Swan policy to telephone people and invite them to audition so, if you would like to be in a show, please do come along to the reading and the auditions.

The rehearsal period is approximately 8 weeks of 2-3 rehearsals per week, although this may increase over the 2 weeks and the weekend preceding performance.

Colder than Here by Laura Wade

Directed by Liz Stallard

Performance Dates: Monday 17th to Saturday 22nd March 2025

Reading Date: Friday 3rd January at 7.30 in the Green Room of The Swan

Auditions: Thursday 9th January at 7.30 and Sunday 12th January at 10.30 (for those who are unable to attend the first session – you do NOT need to attend both) in the Green Room of The Swan. 

You must be a member of the Swan to audition.

If you are not able to make any of these dates, but would like to take part, please let us know, as we would like to accommodate as many interested members as possible. Please contact us to let us know of your intentions. 

If anyone would like to contact me to discuss the play or anything related to it please do not hesitate to email me on 07740 604747 or email me at

We look forward to seeing you at the reading.


Myra Bradley is a woman on a mission.  Determined to find the ideal burial plot and plan a perfect funeral, she enlists her two adult daughters and a reluctant husband to help.  Alongside finding her escape to the country, there are broken boilers to be fixed, a cat to be fed, life to be lived and relationships to be managed.  Colder Than Here is a laugh-out-loud and poignant insight into family, life, love and relationships.




The characters are:

Note:  All playing ages are flexible, the relationships to each other are more important than the actual ages.


Myra is a bright and lively woman in her late fifties/early sixties.  She is a no nonsense type, very organised and efficient.  She gets on with things and doesn’t let her illness get in the way, though adjusts her behaviour as her physical condition deteriorates.  Aware her time is limited, she is intent on ensuring her husband and daughters will manage when she is gone, and is determined to improve communication between them while she can.  She is forthright and deals with her situation with grace, humour and love.


Alec is Myra’s husband.  He is a similar age to Myra, they have been married for many years and have an easy closeness.  He is a clever, traditional and unassuming man who loves his family deeply, but sometimes struggles to show it.  He is being as helpful and supportive as he can, but is somewhat in denial and focusing on practical things, like getting the boiler fixed.  He is a generally quiet and gentle man, listening to classical music or reading the newspaper, but he will reach the end of his tether eventually.


Harriett is in her late twenties/early thirties.  She is settled in a long term relationship, owns her own home and is organised and efficient.  She is the sensible older sister and feels the weight of responsibility, both in looking after Myra and supporting Alec and Jenna.


Jenna is a couple of years younger than Harriett, her life is quite chaotic, despite her best efforts to sort herself out.  She has always been the baby of the family and feels left out; she is more outwardly emotional than Harriett.