Become a Swan Theatre Member
We are constantly seeking to improve the theatre itself and the quality of our shows. We always welcome new members who bring with them new ideas, energy and commitment. So why not join us on stage and off?
Members take part in productions, on stage or behind the scenes, in set construction, decoration, sound and lighting.
We also value the help that members provide with Front of House, Bar and Marketing.
The current annual membership is £20.00 for adults and £30 for a family (2 adults and any under-18s at the same address).
All members receive a regular monthly newsletter, Cue Lines, which gives you news about what is happening in the theatre now, as well as early information about what is coming up in the future. You will be kept informed about forthcoming play readings, auditions and productions to help you to plan your visits to the Swan well in advance.
More importantly, you become a part of quality drama at the heart of the local community.
To become a member or renew your membership, click the link below.
Join the Swan Theatre Mailing List
If you just want to receive regular reminders about forthcoming shows, you can join our mailing list. Please email swantheatre@gmail.com and write “add to mailing list” in the subject line.
Join our 200 Club
The Swan 200 Club has been running for two years now and we still have room for new members. The 200 Club raises money for capital improvements at the Swan so, by joining, you help the Swan and you give yourself the chance to win cash prizes!
In summary it works like this:
- There is a maximum of 200 membership tickets available to be purchased
- A membership ticket costs £5 per month payable by standing order
- Individuals may purchase as many tickets as they wish, but no more than 200 will be sold in total
- Six times a year (to coincide with Swan shows) a draw will be made and one ticket will win 10% of the money invested over the previous two months, up to a maximum prize of £200
- Once a year one ticket will win 10% of the total annual investment, up to a maximum prize of £1200.
If you are interested in joining the club please email me at swan200club@btinternet.com or phone me on 01935 891454 and I will forward you a membership application form and full terms and conditions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mark Payne