Get Involved
What you can do at the Swan
We present a diverse range of high quality plays. In order to uphold our reputation, we keep our productions alive by welcoming new actors. Whether you have years of experience or are new to acting, we welcome you. Our productions are usually 6 performance (Monday to Saturday evenings). Cast help strike the set and return the theatre to normal on the Sunday morning after the final performance.
Our directors know their plays and they guide actors, help with interpretation, characterisation, movement and projection. They have a vision. The set designers and lighting and sound engineers turn this vision into reality. We rehearse three nights a week for 6-7 weeks. With 6 plays a year, we’re always keen to attract new directors, and will provide coaching and support for those of you wanting to direct for the first time. Contact us now if you would be interested in directing a play for the 2022 -2023 season.
Production Assistant
She/he provides the link between all areas of a production. Good man-management and organisational skills are called for here, from making sure the cast turn up for rehearsals on the right night to co-ordinating production meetings to dealing with any other snags which might occur along the route to Opening Night.
Stage Management
The stage management team are responsible for making sure a production runs smoothly. A stage manager needs to be flexible and have a working knowledge of all departments including technical, directing and acting.
Set Design
The set designer designs an acting space which:
- Supports the action of the play (entrances, windows, stairs, etc.)
- Maintains the safety of the cast and crew
- Creates the right mood and feel for the play as the
Director sees it - Allows the audience to see all the action, but nothing else
- Can be built by the Set Builders
Set Construction
The set builders turn the Designer’s concept into reality. To lead the set building you need to be highly skilled but to assist you need only the willingness to have a go. You know a good set when it is completed by the presence of the actors.
Lighting and Sound
We need people with technical knowledge and ability to design and operate lighting and sound equipment. We will also train people new to these areas.
As part of the backstage team, you will help with scene changes and costume changes. It’s a good way to learn about Stage Management too. Backstage volunteers will be contacted by a member of the production team to ask if you’re available for a particular show. Alternatively, you can attend the play reading and indicate your availability. Space is limited backstage and there is often only the need for a couple of stage crew.
The props person finds the correct props either from the company’s prop store or elswehere. Ebay has become a popular source! We also value people who are good with their hands and can actually make props!
Costumes can add a sense of reality to a show. Done well, people do not really notice them, however an audience will sense if they’re out of time or place. It helps if you can sew but it’s not essential.
Marketing & Publicity
Members of the team run the Box Office, create the posters and programmes, put adverts in the press, administer the website, take the photos, manage membership and produce the newsletter. We welcome people with design flair, writing skills, IT & media skills as well as a willingness to help promote our productions and our theatre.
Front of house and Bar
Our evacuation procedures are a condition of the Swan’s public performance licence, agreed with SSDC and the Fire & Rescue Service. The Swan must provide three Front Of House staff plus two bar staff each night of every public performance, as well as two coffee helpers.
For a six night run that’s 42 people, all volunteers! To meet this commitment, it is a condition of membership that full members help with FOH and bar. Patrons are welcome and encouraged to help if they can. You will be sent a link via email for you to sign up via a Doodle Poll. If insufficient volunteers sign up, you may also receive a follow-up telephone call.
St John’s Ambulance also provide two volunteers per show.
The FOH team are the first people our audience meet. They deal with tickets, sell programmes, answer questions about the theatre and its facilities, serve tea and coffee or drinks from the bar, and generally try to ensure that a visit to the Swan Theatre is as enjoyable as possible.
For every public performance, we have on duty:
1 Theatre Manager, who is responsible for the entire building while it is open to the public.
Four people in the foyer:
1 selling programmes
1 taking tickets
2 providing teas and coffees
Two people in the bar
We also have a Box Office Manager who is responsible for ticketing arrangements, and who will be at the theatre before the start of every show.
We need two bar staff for every public performance. These people are also required for our evacuation procedures. We also have a bar manager who ensures the bar is kept well stocked. If you enjoy talking to people and are willing to help maintain stock levels and, especially if you have retail experience, please get in touch. .
We will train you to be a theatre manager or work behind the bar and teach you how to operate the coffee machine. Volunteering is a good way to meet other members.
Running our own theatre is a privilage, but it also comes with a lot of maintenance and upkeep – much of which is done by volunteers. If you are handy with maintenance type tasks or general DIY, and are finding yourself at a loose end then please come along and get involved.