New plans for improvements to the Foyer and Bar

You will remember that we told you about a Planning Application that had been submitted in November to improve the public areas of the Swan. We are delighted to report that Planning Consent has been granted, and we can now proceed with our development ambitions.

The overall concept of the scheme is to provide our audience with a better experience before the play starts and maybe to encourage them to stay a bit longer after it finishes – in a bar that’s bigger and easier to get to, with better toilets, and all at ground floor level.

Essentially, the area which is currently occupied by the bar will become toilets; ladies, gents and wheelchair accessible; the foyer will be enlarged into the space where the ladies toilet now is; the bar will be relocated to the space where the disabled toilet now is. Because this will require the removal of the staircase in this area, there has to be a new stair to act as an escape route from the green room, and this will be an external stair into the car park.

See our new plans here

About the Swan Theatre Yeovil

The Swan Theatre Company is committed to developing the performing arts in Yeovil and performs six shows a year, providing a wide range of opportunities for our members to perform or work backstage. In addition the theatre is a venue which is used by other groups in the area. Through our Charity Nights we have helped local charities raise thousands of pounds for their charities

In addition to the six shows a year, from time to time, we present rehearsed readings and run workshops on technical and stage-related aspects. To reinforce our links to the local community we maintain close contacts with schools and colleges in the area to explore mutually interesting projects. We aim to provide an interesting and challenging theatrical environment for people of all levels of ability.

To keep you safe and comfortable, we have recently installed a new Ventilation System. Here is the feedback so far:

“Your new ventilation system made such a difference: the ambient temperature was totally comfortable, and so much better than previously. In fact, as usual for summer productions, I brought a fan with me – which stayed in my bag!” – “From our point of view as audience members, we felt comfortable and safe in enjoying the experience, because of the systems you have put in place. We felt that the auditorium temperature was perfect, and after such a hot day too”.

Rated 4.9 out of 5

Based on the opinion of 27 people on Facebook reviews.